A courtroom with judges seated on a semicircular bench, a portrait on the wall, and a national flag.

Norma Piña and three ministers are excused from resolving injunctions for judicial election

Four members of the SCJN must recuse themselves from ruling on suspensions issued against the judicial election.

The magistrates of the Electoral Tribunal of the Federal Judiciary (TEPJF) requested that four ministers be excluded from the resolutions on the judicial election.

The judges mentioned are:

  • Alfredo Gutiérrez Ortiz Mena
  • Javier Laynez Potisek
  • Jorge Mario Pardo Rebolledo
  • Norma Piña
Five people dressed in judicial robes pose for a group photo.
SCJN ministers | La Derecha Diario

What are the TEPJF's arguments?

During a press conference, the presiding magistrate of the TEPJF, Mónica Aralí, stated that the mentioned ministers have publicly expressed their rejection of the judicial election process.

"We are requesting that they recuse themselves because they have openly spoken against this election and even one of them, in the media, self-identified as an activist."

A conference room with Mexican flags and people seated at a semicircular table.
TEPJF | La Derecha Diario

The SCJN and its role in the controversy

Additionally, magistrates Felipe Fuentes Barrera and Felipe de la Mata Pizaña pointed out that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) doesn't have the authority to issue suspensions on this process.

"The Court doesn't have the authority to solve this type of controversy, it's not me saying it, it's the law. A constitutional control body must obey the Constitution and the law."

An ancient book open to a page with a decorative design and text in Spanish.
Political Constitution of Mexico | La Derecha Diario

Positions on the judicial election

It is known that the mentioned ministers have expressed their rejection of this judicial reform. For example, presiding minister Norma Piña stated:

"I hope that the purpose of this reform, for the good of Mexico, is not to destroy, but to build a better system for the protection of human rights."

These words were spoken during her participation in the XIX Ordinary General Assembly of the Mexican Association of Justice Providers.

A person with glasses and dark hair smiles in front of a gray background.
Minister President of the SCJN | La Derecha Diario

When will the SCJN solve the appeals?

The draft resolution by minister Ortiz Mena proposes to declare the requests submitted by:

  • The Thirty-Second Circuit Collegiate Tribunal
  • The National Association of Circuit Magistrates and Judges (JUFED)
  • Various judges and magistrates
  • The Evaluation Committee of the Federal Judiciary

The TEPJF presented its report this Monday on the actions and rulings issued in relation to the judicial election. It is expected that the SCJN Plenary will address the matter on Thursday, February 13.

➡️ Mexico

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