A group of men dressed in dark suits and ties of various colors are standing in front of columns and red curtains; one of them has a pin on the lapel that is shown in an enlarged inset.

What Is the Golden Pin That Gordo Dan and Santi Caputo Had in Congress

During Milei's speech, Daniel Parisini, Santiago Caputo, and others were seen with a distinctive gold pin.

Last night, the President of the Nation, Javier Milei, delivered his opening speech for the legislative sessions at the National Congress. In this context, an image caught the attention of social media.

Daniel Parisini, better known as "Gordo Dan," host of La Misa on the streaming channel Carajo, appeared in one of the boxes of the Chamber of Deputies wearing a distinctive golden pin that sparked curiosity and speculation among observers.

Not only Gordo Dan, but also the presidential advisor Santiago Caputo, his right-hand people Macarena Alifraco and Lucas Luna, as well as the Deputy Minister of Justice, Sebastián Amerio, the head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the Province of Buenos Aires, Agustín Romo, and the government's digital communication director, Juan Carreira, wore this decoration.

The enigmatic golden pin

The pin in question is much more than a simple accessory; it is the emblem of "Las Fuerzas del Cielo," a group that Gordo Dan founded and presented in November 2024 in San Miguel, at an event that gathered the president Milei's most fervent supporters.

This organization, which proclaims itself the "armed wing" of LLA and the "Pretorian guard" of President Javier Milei, has established itself as the main activist force that defends the purest libertarian principles of Mileism, both inside and outside the digital realm.

Far from being a mere proclamation, "Las Fuerzas del Cielo" is a activist movement, a true "Milei's army," ready to join the leader in all necessary battles to ensure the triumph and consolidation of liberalism in Argentina, not only in the digital sphere but also in the streets.[IMAGE]{874036}[/IMAGE]

Parravicini's orbed cross

The symbolism that led to the creation of this pin comes from the prophecies of the painter Benjamín Solari Parravicini, who predicted Javier Milei's triumph more than 40 years ago. In his drawings, the prophet spoke of "the humble man" who would govern Argentina and turn it into a "beacon of the world." The followers of "Las Fuerzas del Cielo" believe that this humble man is none other than Milei himself.

The cross is part of his prophetic drawings and, according to Parravicini himself, its design evokes the ability to reverse the negative polarity of a place into a positive one. Additionally, the four equal sides create a balance between the material and the spiritual. Heaven and earth. The heart in the center symbolizes the "Christic energy".

Far from being just a symbol, the pin is a reminder that Argentine libertarianism has in this group a solid pillar that, under the leadership of figures like Gordo Dan, is willing to give everything for Javier Milei.


Las Fuerzas del Cielo

Although its strength lies among the youth, it is not a student group or the youth of La Libertad Avanza. On the contrary, "Las Fuerzas del Cielo" aims to be the hardest activist force of Milei's party, whether among the youth, adults, or any area of the space.

Besides Gordo Dan, the leaders who run the group are the head of the La Libertad Avanza bloc in the province of Buenos Aires, Agustín Romo; the Secretary of Worship of the Nation, Nahuel Sotelo; and the Communication Coordinator of La Libertad Avanza, Lucas Luna.

At the territorial level, "Las Fuerzas del Cielo" encompasses other groups such as La Julio Argentino, led by Sotelo in the province of Buenos Aires, activists from the Federal Capital, and spaces from the interior of the country like the Agrupación Liberal Alberdi, led by Jonathan Naselli in Córdoba, university organizations in Santa Fe commanded by Nicolás Rabosto, and the Club de los Viernes, whose director is the Tucuman Lizardo Díaz.

➡️ Argentina

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