A man with glasses and a presidential sash in a formal setting.

Milei Will Open Congress Sessions With a Packed Legislative Agenda

President Milei will take advantage of his March 2 speech to announce a series of new legislative projects.

In less than 48 hours,  President Javier Milei will deliver his first speech before the Legislative Assembly, formally inaugurating the new period of ordinary sessions. In this context,  the Government will seek to advance with a series of key projects, some already presented and others still in the drafting process.

Among the main legislative challenges are the appointments to the Supreme Court,  the elimination of positive discrimination norms, lowering the age of criminal responsibility, the implementation of the Clean Record initiative, and other projects that the ruling party will push in the coming months.

Nominations to the Supreme Court

One of the central axes of the parliamentary debate will be the confirmation of judges Ariel Lijo and Manuel García-Mansilla as members of the Supreme Court of Justice. Although both were appointed by presidential decree, the Executive decided not to withdraw their candidacies, so the legislative process continues in the Senate.

If they do not obtain approval before November 30,  the date on which their "commission" appointment expires, the magistrates will have to leave their positions. However, the lack of support from the opposition and the rejection of this procedure by Kirchnerism complicate the scenario for the ruling party.

"Equality before the law" project

Another initiative the Government is working on is  the elimination of positive discrimination regulations. The so-called  "equality before the law act", which is being developed by the team of presidential advisor Santiago Caputo and the Secretary of Strategic Normative Planning,  María Ibarzábal Murphy, proposes repealing several existing regulations.

Among the proposed changes:

  • Elimination of the trans quota in the State, which establishes a minimum of 1% of positions for transvestite, transgender, and transsexual people.
  • Annulment of Decree 476/2021, which allowed the "X" gender option in the Argentine DNI and passport.
  • Review of the Micaela Law, which requires all public officials to receive training in gender and gender violence.
A man in a suit with a presidential sash smiles and gives a thumbs up at a podium against a red background.
MIlei in Congress | La Derecha Diario

Lowering the age of criminal responsibility

Due to recent security cases in the province of Buenos Aires, the Government decided to insist on the Juvenile Penal Regime project, which proposes lowering the age of criminal responsibility to 13 years.

Security Minister Patricia Bullrich demanded the prompt approval of the initiative, stating that  "Argentines can't wait any longer" and pointing at Governor Axel Kicillof.

The project contemplates that adolescents between 13 and 18 years old can be charged for any crime typified in the Penal Code, in addition to including sanctions for instigating adults.

Clean Record: the debate on the disqualification of convicted individuals

The Executive will also seek for Congress to approve a new version of the  Clean Record, an initiative originally promoted by the PRO and worked on by Defense Minister,  Luis Petri.

A man in a dark suit with a light blue and white sash gives a thumbs-up gesture in a formal setting.
MIlei in Congress | La Derecha Diario

This measure would prevent the electoral participation of leaders with a second-instance conviction.  Despite having obtained half approval in the House of Representatives, it still needs to be addressed in the Senate, where its approval is not guaranteed.

Other projects on the agenda

Beyond these initiatives,  President Milei will use his March 2 speech to announce a series of new legislative projects that will be sent in the coming days. However, sources close to the president denied that it is a package of 30 proposals, as speculated in some media.

The opening session act will mark the beginning of a legislative year that will be key for the libertarian administration, with structural reforms under discussion and a parliamentary scenario where the ruling party will have to negotiate each vote to advance with its initiatives.

➡️ Argentina

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