A blonde woman in a black dress posing on a boat at night.

Graciela Alfano Shared the Details of Her Date With Fer Palacios

The former showgirl revealed all the intimacy of the most viral relationship of the moment.

In a recent interview for the LAM program,  on AméricaTV, Alfano was as frank and splendid as ever, leaving everyone surprised with her comments about her personal and love life, and some opinions about the entertainment world.

It all started with a simple question from the reporter:  "How are you, are you single, getting to know someone, Fer Palacios?" Graciela didn't hesitate to respond, clearing up rumors about her relationship with the young  DJ, with whom she was linked due to a music video they appeared in together for Valentine's Day. "No Party, No Fer Pa," she began, clearly referencing the phrase the DJ often uses in his music posts. "There was a whole buzz for Valentine's Day, which I thought was super cool. It works like a charm because he's a guy who understands marketing a lot, and I love doing those things to entertain people, that's the best," she added, highlighting her affinity for entertainment and fun.

Graciela Alfano contó los detalles de su cita con Fer Palacios

But the interview didn't stop there. The topic quickly shifted to her previous relationship, at which point the diva revealed her famous "Alfano Method." According to her, when a man disrespects you, the best thing is to cut all contact.  "When a guy disrespects you, you drop the curtain, zero contact, and let him go talk to the pigeons if he has a problem," she said.  "If he wants to come back, if he wants to talk, no, no," she added firmly.

The reporter took the opportunity to reference the recent controversies between Wanda Nara and China Suárez, suggesting that the diva's advice could be useful to them. "It's great advice for Wanda and China," he commented. Without losing her composure, the star didn't hesitate to give a blunt opinion:  "That circus, Wanda, let China go already. Enough, enough, we're all fed up."

A woman with sunglasses is interviewed by a reporter holding a LAM microphone.
Graciela and LAM | La Derecha Diario

The interview moment was also used to ask her about the recent discontent from the Mirtha Legrand production, who pointed out that Graciela arrived 50 minutes late to the program's recording.

In response to the question, the actress reacted by strongly denying the rumors. "I don't know who told you that, I have no idea. It's a lie, they're making it up," she stated. She also clarified her relationship with the host:  "Mirta loves me, I love Mirta, and the important thing is the product. I always arrive early, I arrived at the time they told me," reaffirming her professionalism.

➡️ Argentina

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