Two cars crashed with visible damage to the front and side, one person sitting in one of the vehicles talking on the phone.

Serious Increase in Road Incidents in Mexico

In addition to the eroded infrastructure, accidents are increasing

Alarming Increase in Road Accidents in Mexico

In Mexico, road incidents have shown a concerning increase in recent years.

Between January and October 2024, there was a 12% increase in traffic accidents compared to the same period the previous year, according to data from the Executive Secretariat.

This surge has alarmed authorities and society, highlighting the need to strengthen road safety measures in the country.

A man walking along a road next to a stopped car with an emergency triangle in the foreground.
Vehicle Failures | La Derecha Diario

Main Factors Contributing to the Problem

Several elements have influenced this increase in road incidents:

  • Driver distractions: The use of mobile devices remains one of the main causes of accidents.
  • Speeding: Many drivers do not respect the established limits, increasing the risk of collisions.
  • Alcohol and drug consumption: Driving under the influence of substances remains a determining factor.
  • Poor infrastructure: Roads in poor condition and insufficient signage contribute to accidents.

Impact on Vulnerable Groups

Pedestrians and motorcyclists have been the most affected by this road crisis.

  • In Puebla, on average, two pedestrians were injured daily by motor vehicles during the first month of 2025.
  • Deaths of minors under 18 in traffic accidents doubled in 2024, reaching 92 victims between January and October.

Measures Implemented by Authorities

In response to this situation, the Secretariat of Infrastructure, Communications and Transportation (SICT), in collaboration with the National Guard, has launched a road safety plan.

  • Awareness campaigns aimed at the population.
  • Increased surveillance operations to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Improvements in road infrastructure.

However, legislators like Congressman Humberto Ambriz have pointed out the need to intensify road maintenance to prevent more accidents.

A blue car with a damaged front and a warning triangle in the foreground.
Increase in accidents | La Derecha Diario

Recommendations for Drivers

To help reduce accidents, drivers are urged to:

  • Avoid distractions: Do not use mobile devices while driving.
  • Respect speed limits: Adjust speed according to road and weather conditions.
  • Do not drive under influences: Refrain from driving if alcohol or drugs have been consumed.
  • Keep the vehicle in good condition: Perform regular check-ups to avoid mechanical failures.


The increase in traffic accidents in Mexico reflects a concerning trend that demands immediate action. Government measures have been insufficient, and it is urgent to prioritize more effective strategies to ensure road safety. Without decisive action, this crisis will continue to affect thousands of families each year.

➡️ Mexico

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